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9 docs tagged with "Traefik"

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Access the Dashboard

If you only need occasional access to a Kubernetes network resource that isn't exposed by a Service or an Ingress, then you can use port forwarding.

Customize Traefik With the HelmChart Custom Resource

K3s installs Traefik Proxy by placing a manifest into /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/manifests. This file contains a HelmChart resource that installs the version of Traefik Proxy that ships with the particular installed version of K3s.

Secure the Application

With Cert Manager and a ClusterIssuer in place, we're ready to secure our application with the following steps:

Set Your Cluster's IP in a Variable

Throughout these lessons we'll be using to dynamically map a hostname to a local IP address. The IP address of my node is different from yours, so whenever possible, I'll reference a URL like: dashboard.traefik.$ For examples with kubectl and curl, this will work if you set the variable CLUSTERIP to the address of your cluster. For pages loaded in the browser you'll have to make that substitution yourself.

Staging-Traefik Proxy

With our base configuration complete, we only need to extend it to staging. This will use the Kustomize feature of patchesStrategicMerge to add or overwrite values from the base manifests with those present in the staging manifests.