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Secure the Dashboard With Middleware


This builds on the work done in the previous lesson. If you haven't completed it yet, please do that first!

What's a Middleware?

We can't just leave the dashboard exposed like that. Even though it's read-only, it holds sensitive information about our cluster configuration, and we want to keep that information private.

Middleware is how Traefik modifies requests before sending them to the Services. These components can change the request scheme or path, insert authentication, connect to external authentication services, handle rate limiting, and more.

We'll use middleware to add authentication to the dashboard.

Create a Middleware for Basic Authentication

Our Middleware will refer to a Secret that contains our users and their passwords. This file is in the standard htpasswd format that has been used by webservers for decades. Each line contains a username and an encrypted password, separated by a colon.

Create the users file

Create the users with htpasswd. If you don't have htpasswd on your system, you can use an online generator to create the entries and then copy them.

# create a new file named "users" with the -c option
➤ htpasswd -c users [email protected]
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user [email protected]

# add new users to an existing file named "users"
➤ htpasswd users [email protected]
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user [email protected]

Create the dashboard-users Secret from the users file

➤ kubectl create secret generic dashboard-users --from-file=users
secret/dashboard-users created

Create the Middleware

The basicAuth middleware needs to know the secret where our users and their passwords are stored. The manifest looks like this:

kind: Middleware
name: dashboard-auth
secret: dashboard-users

Copy that and save it as middleware-auth.yaml and then apply it to your cluster.

➤ kubectl apply -f middleware-auth.yaml created

Apply the middleware to the Ingress

The Middleware and the Secret containing our users exist, but we have to tell Traefik to use them with the Ingress. We do that by annotating the ingress with, pointing to a list of middleware we want the Ingress to use.

➤ kubectl annotate ingress traefik-dashboard \ annotated

PRO TIP: Middleware order matters. When chaining multiple Middleware together, consider which needs to come first. Do you want to do authentication before a redirect or rate limiting?

Test the Middleware

Visit the dashboard with curl or a browser and see that it's now secured with basic authentication:

➤ curl -si http://dashboard.traefik.$

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Try again with credentials:

➤ curl -si -u '[email protected]:admin1234' http://dashboard.traefik.$ | head -n 1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Create a Middleware to add the /dashboard prefix

The dashboard responds on the /dashboard/ path (with the trailing slash). Since we have a dedicated hostname pointing to the dashboard, we don't need to always type that. We can have Traefik prepend /dashboard to a request for /, resulting in a final request of /dashboard/ arriving at the backend server.

The middleware that performs this task is addPrefix, and it only requires the prefix to prepend to all requests.

kind: Middleware
name: dashboard-rewrite
prefix: /dashboard

Copy that to middleware-rewrite.yaml and apply it to your cluster.

➤ kubectl apply -f middleware-rewrite.yaml created

PRO TIP: Be careful with your rewrites. If you prepend /dashboard/ (with the trailing slash), your rewritten path will be /dashboard// and will result in an eternal redirect loop until your browser cancels the request. Because it's a permanent redirect, you'll have to clear your browsing history for the previous hour to undo that mistake.

Apply the Middleware to the Ingress

We can now add this Middleware to the annotation, specifying --overwrite to tell Kubernetes to replace the existing annotation.

➤ kubectl annotate ingress traefik-dashboard \,kube-system-dashboard-auth@kubernetescrd \
--overwrite=true annotated

Visit the Dashboard Host Without /dashboard/

➤ curl -si http://dashboard.traefik.$

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Visit in a browser, though, and you'll see that something's clearly not right.

Fix the Broken Dashboard

If you look in the developer console, you'll see that requests to /api return a 404.

This is because those requests are being rewritten as /dashboard/api, which is incorrect. To fix this, we need to create a separate Ingress to handle those requests. This new Ingress will not need the rewrite middleware, but it should have the basic auth middleware to keep that endpoint secure.

➤ kubectl create ingress traefik-dashboard-api --rule="dashboard.traefik.$*=traefik-dashboard:9000" created

➤ kubectl annotate ingress traefik-dashboard-api \ annotated

Now when you refresh the dashboard page, everything is rewritten and loads for you.

This was a lot of work. Is there a better way? Read on!