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Base-Traefik Proxy

We'll start by installing Traefik Proxy into our staging environment.

Traefik Proxy doesn't separate out the CRDs into their own package, but we can point Kustomize to the URLs for each of the manifests in a particular chart version. At the time that I'm writing this, the Helm chart is on v10.14.2. Before copying and pasting the commands below, check the tags in the chart repository and update the YAML as necessary.

Create the Directories

First create the traefik-proxy directory in each of base, staging, and production in the infrastructure directory, and also in the crds directory.

mkdir -p infrastructure/{base,production,staging}/traefik-proxy
mkdir -p crds/{production,staging}/traefik-proxy

Add the CRDs

Create a kustomization.yaml in crds/traefik-proxy/kustomization.yaml that loads all of the CRDs for our chart version.

PRO TIP: This is the least automated portion of the workflow, but it's the only way to get the correct CRDs by chart version for charts that don't offer a release or include a kustomization.yaml file in their contents. It's important that the URLs are tied to a specific chart version so that you control what goes into staging and what goes into production. For charts that offer releases, you can pull them from the release assets with ?ref=x.x.x. See the Kustomize documentation for examples.

# crds/staging/traefik-proxy/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization

Add the HelmRepository Source

We're installing Traefik Proxy from Helm, which means we need to tell Flux where it can find the repository. We'll create a file in sources/helm that gives it this information.

# sources/helm/traefik-proxy.yaml
kind: HelmRepository
name: traefik-proxy
namespace: flux-system
interval: 30m

Add the Base Configuration

The base configuration will be used by both staging and production, so we'll add it first. It should be as generic as possible, and we'll override certain fields with specific values when we configure the actual cluster manifests in a moment.

Each file in our base configuration is named for the resource that it applies. In cases where you have multiple instances of a resource, such as multiple Services or IngressRoutes, put them into the same file, separated by ---. You'll see this later when we add HTTPS to our application.

Create each of the following files in their corresponding location in your directory.


This creates the Namespace into which Traefik Proxy will be installed. We're using traefik-system.

# infrastructure/base/traefik-proxy/namespace.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: traefik-system


This performs the installation of the Helm chart.

# infrastructure/base/traefik-proxy/helmrelease.yaml
kind: HelmRelease
name: traefik-proxy
chart: traefik
kind: HelmRepository
name: traefik-proxy
namespace: flux-system
- kind: ConfigMap
name: traefik-values
valuesKey: values.yaml
optional: true
interval: 1h
releaseName: traefik-proxy
targetNamespace: traefik-system


This additional configuration instructs Kustomize to version the ConfigMap and Secret fields in the HelmRelease.

# infrastructure/base/traefik-proxy/kustomizeconfig.yaml
- kind: ConfigMap
version: v1
- path: spec/valuesFrom/name
kind: HelmRelease
- kind: Secret
version: v1
- path: spec/valuesFrom/name
kind: HelmRelease


This is the instruction set for Kustomize itself.

# infrastructure/base/traefik-proxy/kustomization.yaml
kind: Kustomization
namespace: traefik-system
- namespace.yaml
- helmrelease.yaml
- kustomizeconfig.yaml

How Will We Configure Helm Values?

The HelmRelease custom resource offers multiple ways to set or override the values in a chart, including:

In this class we'll be using the second option, having Kustomize generate a ConfigMap that contains our values.yaml content.

We're defining the ConfigMap in the base HelmRelease and setting it optional: true so that the chart could be installed with default values.

What's Up With kustomizeconfig.yaml?

When working with ConfigMaps and Secrets, GitOps has two schools of thought. Kubernetes will update these resources inside the container without reloading the Pod, and while that's super convenient, it means that the operational state of the cluster might not be the same as what's reflected in the Git repository.

Since GitOps relies on the repository to be the single source of truth, Kustomize defaults to appending a unique suffix to ConfigMap and Secret resources so that any change to their values changes the identifier and performs a restart of the resource.

If you don't want to do this, you can disable it, and your resources will update in place.

It automatically detects and swaps out ConfigMap and Secret resource names in Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and Jobs/CronJobs, but it doesn't know about custom resources like Flux's HelmRelease.

The instructions in kustomizeconfig.yaml tell Kustomize to apply the same modifications to ConfigMap and Secret fields in the HelmRelease manifest.

Check Your Directory Structure

At this point your directory should look like this:

➤ tree .
├── apps
│ ├── base
│ ├── production
│ └── staging
├── clusters
│ ├── production
│ └── staging
├── crds
│ └── staging
│ └── traefik-proxy
│ └── kustomization.yaml
├── infrastructure
│ ├── base
│ │ └── traefik-proxy
│ │ ├── helmrelease.yaml
│ │ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ │ ├── kustomizeconfig.yaml
│ │ └── namespace.yaml
│ ├── production
│ │ └── traefik-proxy
│ └── staging
│ └── traefik-proxy
└── sources
└── helm
└── traefik-proxy.yaml