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Nmap with GitLab

This tutorial will guide you on how to setup Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) scan for a web application using Nmap in a GitLab CI/CD pipeline.

Step 0: Create a GitLab CI/CD Pipeline

Start by creating a .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file in the root of your GitLab repository. This file will define the pipeline for your project.

Step 1: Download the Source Code

For the DAST scan, we need the Nmap Docker image. We will specify this in our GitLab CI configuration.

Step 2: Perform the Nmap Scan

Here's an example of how you can setup the Nmap DAST scan in the .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file:

- integration

stage: integration
- docker pull hysnsec/nmap
- docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/tmp hysnsec/nmap -oX /tmp/nmap-output.xml
paths: [nmap-output.xml]
when: always

In the script section of the configuration file, we first pull the Nmap Docker image, then we run the Nmap scan against the specified target (replace '' with your target), saving the output in XML format to 'nmap-output.xml'.

Step 3: Upload the Scan Output

The artifacts section in the configuration specifies that 'nmap-output.xml' should be preserved as an artifact of the pipeline run. This means that it can be downloaded from GitLab after the pipeline finishes running.

Once the .gitlab-ci.yml file is ready, commit the changes and push them to your GitLab repository.