Bootstrap Staging
Check For Errors
Check For Errors
Staging is off to a good start, but we can do better. Right now we have an IngressRoute listening on HTTP. There's no HTTPS route, and even if there was, we don't have a certificate to use with it. Let's fix that.
We're going to deploy monachus/traefik-demo as our application. It will show a colored block for every Pod in the Deployment, and it has a number of options that we can configure via environment variables. We'll only focus on one, ICON_COLOR, which will give us a different color in staging and production.
Our base and staging environments are complete, and we know that we want our production environment to replicate staging with some changes made for stability.
When you bootstrapped your cluster, Flux added a new diretory to the clusters/staging path:
With our base configuration complete, we only need to extend it to staging. This will use the Kustomize feature of patchesStrategicMerge to add or overwrite values from the base manifests with those present in the staging manifests.